What is questioned with ADS.TXT file: may be this is the first question that arises from your mind as a publisher on Google Adsense as a beginner. Of course, the following question arises from your compilation notifications from the Adsense related to Revenue or contributions in the Adsense account that you register to monetize ads as a publisher on Google Adsense be it through Blogspot, TDL, etc.
It is undeniable that publishers register bloggers to monetize advertisements with the aim of earning income on the internet easily through written and video content.
Of course, it will be a problem if it turns out the income is experiencing problems, especially the impact of not appearing on your Blogspot ad because there is an ads.txt file is not installed on the blog.
As the notification from the adsense related ads.txt issue that contain.
What is Ads.Txt File ?
Advantages Of Using Ads.Txt
Steps To Add Custom Ads.Txt File In Blogger :
- Login to Blogger, Enter to Settings.
- Under the Monetisation heading, you will see an option to Edit Custom ads.txt
- Click on Edit and then Select Yes to enable custom ads.txt content.
- You will shown up a text box and you have to enter your desired ads.txt file.
- If you are using only Google Adsense as your monetising partner, then use the below ads.txt file.
google.com, pub-xxxxxxxxxx, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
- Replace pub-xxxxxxxxx with your Adsense publisher ID.
- Once you're done! Click on Save.